What Does KPCA Membership Mean to You?
The KPCA hosts several major events each year to include the National Night Out, Annual KPCA Holiday Party, 4th of July Parade and Picnic, Trunk or Treat, Oktoberfest, and much much more. The KPCA also hopes to add new events to the calendar in 2025 such as a neighborhood Glow Dance in Kings Park Park in the spring. We appreciate your continued support of the KPCA and your dues are really what makes these events continue to take place each and every year!
There are three ways to pay your annual dues:
1. Mail. Complete this form and mail it with your check for $30 for a regular membership or $25 for a senior membership (60+ years old) to: Kings Park Civic Association PO Box 1243 Springfield, VA 22151. Also consider filling out the gazette survey found on the KPCA home page.
2. Online. See Below. *A small 5% transaction fee will be applied to your payment
3. Bill Pay. Set up KPCA on your bill pay option and have your bank mail the check to KPCA, P.O. Box 1243 Springfield VA 22151 (Hint: making this an annual recurring transaction ensures you never forget to pay your dues!)