Board - Kings Park


KPCA | Neighborhood Watch

Kings Park Civic Association P.O. Box 1243, Springfield, VA 22151-1243
General Inbox: KingsParkCivicAssociation@gmail.com

Bylaws / 2023 Budget


Serve as the face and voice of KPCA, overseeing smooth execution of community and civic outreach.
Charlotte Hannagan • 484-431-6448 • KingsParkCivicAssociation@gmail.com

1st Vice-President of Social Outreach
Responsible for managing the Facebook group and NextDoor, the website, newsletter, sign boards, membership email roster, event marketing
Eric DeTurk • 908-616-8508 • eric.deturk@gmail.com

2nd Vice-President of Community Safety
Responsible for Neighborhood Watch, Neighbor to Neighbor committee, Government/Community relations, Event safety and logistics, Managing groundskeeping efforts
Susan Cappasjcappa@gmail.com

3rd Vice-President of Events
Responsible for maintaining active event calendar, coordinating event info/marketing with VP of Outreach, planning event logistics, working with volunteers to staff/support the events, including but not limited to: 4th of July, Oktoberfest, Children’s Holiday Party, Community Potluck.
Susan Metcalf • 703.472.6512 • Susan.Metcalf@verizon.net

4th Vice-President of Membership
Responsible for managing membership roster, campaign efforts, providing monthly updates to the Board, providing routine updates to membership via newsletter
Leeann Alberts lawleeann@gmail.com

Responsible for drafting meeting agendas, recording and publishing minutes, reserving venue space for meetings and events, maintaining copies of required organization paperwork such as donation letters, non-profit designation, up-to-date version of bylaws, etc.
VACANT – reach out to KingsParkCivicAssociation@gmail.com if interested

Responsible for maintaining an annual budget, provide mid and end-of year reviews, provide monthly reports to Board of budget status, checking account status, etc; provide updates to membership in newsletter.
Susan Malmberg • 703-425-1478

Immediate Past Presidents
Jim Sobecke • 703.978.2035 • jsobecke@gmail.com
Kayleen Fitzgerald • 703-282-5110 • briankayleen@aol.com


Emergency Preparedness

Public Safety & Neighborhood Watch
Terry Boschert • 703.425.3478 • terry.boschert@verizon.net

Social – Kids
Liz Rivera• 703.978.3034

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